Barbara Gorna
& Blackberry Films
Baroness Boothroyd, the first
female Speaker of the House
of Commons, wearing the sash
carried by Emily Wilding Davison
as she made her protest for
Votes For Women at the Derby
Races in 1913 she was trampled
by King Georges Vs horse and died three days later.
Barbara appeared on BBC News with Baroness Boothroyd to discuss the history of Emily Wilding Davison.
Barbara speaks on BBC4 Women's Hour about the history of the suffragettes movement and its relevance to contemporary politics.
Click here
to view Barbara's documentary on Emily Wilding Davison
The Suffragette movement rocked the conventional boundaries of the Edwardian's.
They laid the foundations on which modern feminism is built, and one of the most militant of these freedom fighters was Emily Wilding Davison.
In 1996 Barbara bought the sash she was wearing when she was bowled over by the Kings horse at the Derby in 1913. Emily died three days later. The sash still bears the marks of the horses hooves. It now sits as the major relic of womens fight for freedom to be heard and can be seen in the Palace of Westminster.